Young Innovator July 24, 2016 – Posted in: Technology – Tags:

In February 2016, I was selected as a finalist for the 2016 USF Young Innovator Competition for my concept – the Navigation Vibration Shirt for the Visually Impaired – which I named the “EyeT”. The Eye-T is a wearable technology T-shirt that helps the visually impaired navigate city streets safely and with more confidence. The Eye-T uses an attached microcontroller with Bluetooth technology to link up to your smartphones GPS system, a 3V battery, and two mini vibration motors mounted in the sleeves of the shirt to help guide you. So, when your smartphones GPS wants you to turn right the microcontroller sends a signal to the right motor and the right motor vibrates to tell you to turn Right. The same occurs on the left sleeve when you need to turn Left. When you need to go straight, both motors will vibrate at the same time and when you reach your destination, both motors will pulsate three times to let you know that you are there. Eye-T shirts have sewn-in pockets inside the shirt to hold the small technology equipment. Here is a link to a video of the concept.

At the competition I had to pitch my concept to a series of judges, and in front of a large crowd, using the presentation techniques that I learned along with the other finalist at a pitch workshop held at the Home Shopping Network. While I was the youngest finalist in the competition, I ended up getting First Runner Up which I was pretty happy about! This was a great experience for me that I will never forget. In addition to a great experience I also received a few cool prizes for me and my school! Many attendees thought my concept was awesome and useful. As a result, I was invited to attend the The Hillsborough County Alliance for Citizens with Disabilities Awareness Expo!

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